Managed Print Services
Let Us Handle Your Printing Issues
An effective Managed Print Services (MPS) solution provides a set of tools and resources to help you manage your printers efficiently and cost effectively. MPS incorporates all aspects of your business printing devices, including printers, scanners, faxes and copiers by completely offloading the tasks involved in managing the entire printer fleet to a third party. This type of MPS solution includes not only supplies replenishment but also preventive and repair maintenance services, as well as measuring and managing print volumes on each device. The primary objective for implementing an MPS solution is reducing costs and improving efficiencies. This is accomplished by needing fewer devices, printing fewer pages, lower supply costs and improved productivity.
Are You Getting the Right Coverage?
Are you using more than 5% coverage? If you are printing a logo or image on a single page, then you are likely exceeding the expectations set by the manufacturer. Consider having your letterhead and envelopes printed by a professional in a commercial print shop instead of printing it every time yourself. The cost per image is significantly cheaper with quality being greatly improved.

Decrease Cost, Increase Productivity
One of the first things you will notice with the implementation of MPS is the decreased need for local printers. Workflow will be diverted to a networked, central, high volume machine. Likely this machine will be able to print, company, scan, and fax. This does not mean that all local printers will be removed, but those documents that would benefit economically from being printed on a high volume printer, such as a newsletter, will be diverted. Next, supply usage will be closely tracked and replacements will be available when needed, eliminating downtime. Remote or mobile printing is integrated into the system, allowing home office personnel or travelling sales staff the ability to send hard copies to on-site office staff to assist in remote conferencing and webinar trainings. Finally, IT departments will have less equipment to manage and are free to address other issues critical to the business operation.
Maintain Organizational Health with MPS
Once in place, the managed environment becomes a conduit to unify print and digital information for streamlined processes and workflow. MPS is closely related to managed document services (MDS) and the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Typically, “managed document services” carries the broader meaning of referring to both print and electronic documents. However, as MPS has evolved over the years, it also includes electronic information and workflows. This is why MPS and MDS are so closely linked.